In July 2016, Transprojets transported a winch to be installed on the FPSOs currently under construction in Singapore, in readiness for shipment to Angola.
The winch was 12 meters long, 7 meters wide and 6.15 meters high. Its indivisible weight was 175t.
We picked up the winch in Le Creusot, France, with a 13-line and 3-lane trailer and carried it by road to the river port in Chalon-sur-Saône.
The winch was then transhipped by direct lifting from the trailer to the barge with a 400t travelling crane.
Once stowed on the barge, the winch spent four days travelling to Fos-sur-Mer, where it was directly transhipped onto a chartered ship using one of the onboard cranes.
After 21 days at sea, the winch was delivered in perfect condition to our customer in Singapore, where it was immediately installed on the FPSO unit.
3 months later, we repeated the same operation with a second identical winch.